
What should be done in order to live like in Singapore already reported that the Kazakhstan-Singapore Business Forum was held on March 27th in Almaty. Serikbay Bisekeev, the head of Arman Holding



Money out of thin air

Time spent on an aeroplane, can be called time spent "up in the air" - both literally and figuratively. The purpose of the trip is ahead of you, and several


Businessmen advise Kazakhstani consultants to dispose of their excessive ambitions

At the end of last year, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Serik Akhmetov, instructed the Minister of Industry and New Technologies, Aset Isekeshev, to prepare


Serikbay Bisekeev: "I ​​always read and learn from the best"

Serikbay Bisekeev was born in Kostanay region, and graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, named after Kalinin. For more than 10 years he has been


“Entrepreneur of the Year 2012”

The awarding ceremony for the finalists of the year 2012 ? the national stage of the International Contest ?Entrepreneur of the Year Award? organized by


It isn't necessary to pursue your personal interests, it's much more interesting to change the world

Serikbay, it's a pleasure to read about your accomplishments in business, about building a team, about big dreams and goals. Do you share your wealth of


S. Bisekeev proposes expanding the geography of the Astana Economics Forum

The Economics forum, which is not for the first time taking place in the capital of Kazakhstan, should be held in different parts of the world, proffered


Serikbay Bisekeev: Employees - the main components of a formula for business success

The well-known businessman Serikbay Bisekeev, who was recognized as the best entrepreneur in 2012, explains in an exclusive interview what the


Call of the pioneer

There are very few like me - maybe 5% of the total population. Some of them reside in psychiatric hospitals, the others try and change the world - laughs
